Make the BIGGEST bubbles ever with this simple homemade bubble solution.
Having kids that are a little more than ten years apart has its upsides and downsides. Thankfully it’s mostly upsides. One of the things I love most is sharing some of Ryan’s favorite things when he was little with Evie. I get the best of both worlds enjoying those things with her brings back all the memories of when her brother was little. Right now Evie is obsessed with bubbles and has been since she was a baby. I have more bubble supplies than I know what to do with but honestly, it never gets old. Ryan was the same way at this age. Something about bubbles fascinates kids and they are such a timeless pastime. Over the years, I’ve become quite the expert in making our own bubbles. This has been my go-to homemade bubble recipe for the last twelve years or so and it always makes the perfect bubbles – giant or small.
Everyone loves bubbles. I even like to set a container of bubble solution out for the kids at parties and picnics. The little ones love them and I’ll even catch the big kids over there playing with them too.
Heck, sometimes the adults even have fun with them. Bubbles are great at bringing the kid out in everyone.
In fact, they make a great hostess gift. When we’re invited to picnics and parties in the summer, I’ll put together a little bubble hostess gift for the family.
I’ll grab a little self-dispensing container, fill it with the supplies to make this giant bubble recipe and an assortment of bubble wands.
Sometimes I’ll get lucky and find kits already made and all I have to do is include a printout of my favorite bubble recipe.
Other times, I’ll assemble the kit myself with different things I find and I’ll complete it with the bubble recipe. It’s super simple and the kids always love it.
There are tons of bubble recipes out there and I’m sure they’re all great but today I’m sharing my super bubble recipe that I’ve been making for the last twelve years.
One of my close friends shared it with me when Ryan was little and anytime I make my own bubbles, this is what I use. It always works great. It even makes those giant bubbles all kids love!
I like to make a big batch whenever I make it since we go through a lot of bubbles. This is enough to make giant bubbles or enough for parties. You’ll need a few things:

The Best Homemade Bubble Recipe for GIANT Bubbles
Make the BIGGEST and BEST bubbles with this homemade bubble solution! Most of the items you need you probably already have at home!
- 2 quarts of water
- 1 1/2 cups Dawn Dish Detergent (the blue one)
- 1/4 cup of corn starch
- 3 quart bucket or larger
- Stick or large spoon to stir
- Fill the bucket with 2 quarts of water
- Slowly pour in the Dawn DIsh Detergent
- Stir gently and slowly (you don't want bubbles to start forming)
- Add in cornstarch and gently stir until dissolved
- Let the mixture sit for about 10 minutes and then you're ready to use it

Fill the bucket with 2 quarts of water. Slowly pour in the Dawn dish detergent. Gently stir. Then add in the cornstarch and gently mix together until cornstarch is dissolved. Let the mixture sit for about ten minutes and you’re ready to go.
The giant bubbles are her favorite. She loves to chase them around the yard and asks to play bubbles almost daily.
Friday 5th of July 2024
I'm wondering if you tried this bubble recipe. The Cornstarch doesn't dissolve! I've stirred for over an hour and I've warmed the water and stirred & it still doesn't dissolve. Settles on the bottom of the bucket like white glue.🙄
Wednesday 7th of August 2024
Hi! Yes, it's my go-to bubble recipe. It's been awhile since I made it but I remember having a film at the bottom as well. You are correct, it does not dissolve but becomes suspended in the water so I'd say keep stirring it if it's not in use or it's let to sit.
Robyn Eckerman
Sunday 30th of June 2024
I used to use Dawn Dish soap and a small amount of Glycerin...I’ll have to try Dawn with Cornstarch🎉 I’m sure that is easier to find than Glycerin
Tuesday 11th of June 2024
This would be great for bubbles when using a bubble wand. However, we learned the hard way that it doesn’t work if you put it in something like a bubble lawnmower it clogs. Save it for the big bubbles. Thanks for the recipe.
Wednesday 7th of August 2024
You're welcome! I hope you have lots of bubble fun! -Dawn
The Best Backyard Games for Families – The World Page
Tuesday 13th of October 2020
[…] Ok, so it’s not really a game, but blowing bubbles is a blast, and easily done without special equipment. Check out this recipe for making your own homemade bubble solution. […]
The Best Backyard Games for Families – NexTravel Guide
Saturday 26th of September 2020
[…] Ok, so it’s not really a game, but blowing bubbles is a blast, and easily done without special equipment. Check out this recipe for making your own homemade bubble solution. […]