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DIY Snow Paint

Last weekend we had our first real touch of winter when it finally snowed.  After all this crazy weather we’ve been having here in New Jersey, I know the kids were happy to see some snow. I’m not a fan of snow and the older I get the more I dislike it but the kids love it! The little dusting we got was enough to send my oldest running to his room for his snow pants and shoes so he could head on outside to play in it.

Now we’re watching a big storm that could possibly bring lots of snow our way this weekend. So I spent yesterday running some errands so I can avoid the “snow rush” later in the week. Naturally we had to take a trip down the snow toy aisle in Target yesterday while I was running some errands.

I was looking for a sled for the baby when my son came running down the aisle with some type of snow paint for around ten bucks a color. After taking a look, I knew this was something I could make at home for a fraction of the cost.

So I picked up three $1 spray bottles and knew using a little bit of food coloring that I already have, I could make something similar that would be just as fun!

Since we still had a little snow left on the lawn, he wanted to try it out as soon as we got home. So we filled up the bottles with water and added about 10 -15 drops of food coloring per bottle.

Give them a little shake and voila instant snow paint!

Now you could totally go wild with this and create all sorts of colors but for the sake of storage space, I went and made 3 – blue, green and red.

It’s more than enough to keep him busy out there and we can easily refill when he runs out.

Not bad for $3 bucks!

Do you have a favorite snow activity? I’d love to hear about it!
